Honor Wall 2019-2020
The Teachers, Child Study Team Members, Administrative and Custodial staff routinely go above and beyond for our children and families. They strive to make education challenging and enriching, while offering encouragement and support through distance learning and many unknowns.
With your generous donation of $25, we invite students, parents, and families to recognize a teacher or staff member who has impacted their lives. Teacher and staff recognitions will be posted to the Honor Wall, and teachers will be sent a digital certificate informing them of their honor.

Ms. Lisa De Fonte
Thank you for always believing in your students and encouraging them to never give up. You recognize their hard work and it makes them want to work harder. Ryan learned so much about math and himself in your class. We are grateful.
The Takla Family

Ms. Zieja
Thank you for all of your support this year…Nick had an amazing year because of you!
The Pallone Family

Mrs. Rotella
Mrs. Rotella, thank you for your positive energy and innovation on the daily Read Aloud. Your dedication helped our child’s engagement with distance learning which is not an
easy task especially for younger children.
The Rodriguez Family

Mrs. Powers
Very often the “specials” teachers are overlooked for recognition. Mrs. Powers is a caring and compassionate teacher. She is down to earth, never critical or judgmental, and treats the kids like adults, not children. For that reason the students find it easy to relate to her and feel comfortable coming to her for advice or just to bounce things off of. She is a true mentor and valuable resource to the students of RMS, not to mention funny too.
Katie Shallis

Ms. Gina Cicarelli
From obstacle courses to strength training and always massive amounts of encouragement and support, you are one of Corina’s favorite people. You have helped her get strong! Thank you for everything and we will miss you this next year!
The Seubert Family

Ms. Michaela Harris
Thank you for the passion you bring to your classroom. The encouragement you give your students makes them want to work harder. You have motivated Ryan more than you can imagine. Thank you for all you do.
The Takla Family

David Letchinger
Thank you Mr. Letchinger, here’s a message from our daughter.
“Dear Mr. L, Thank you for teaching me so much and making me laugh along the way. I know the year ended kinda funky but I hope to see you in person sometime again.”
Shreya Gandhi

Mrs. Murray
Thank you for being an amazing teacher to Mia.
The Pallone Family

Mrs Pettersson
Thank you for all of your support during this distant learning.
The Szonyi Family

RMS Teachers and Staff
Thank you to all of the teachers, staff, and administrators at RMS for working so hard to help get the kids through distance learning. We appreciate you!
The DeTitta Family

Jayme Russo
Thank you for your hard work and dedication this year. We had a great time at the chemistry challenge. Francesca said, Thank you for making learning fun!”
The Bruno Family

Distance learning is new to both school and family. Thank you very much for your great preparation for the lessons and classes. Also thank you for your kindness on the understanding and support when problem occurs. It is really a pity to end Grade 5 like this . Robert will miss both of you!
Robert Lai’s Family

Mrs. Eveland
Mrs. Eveland because she takes to time to check in with my son and makes sure he understands the lessons.
Suzanne Ditacconi

Miss Grice
Distance Learning is difficult for both the children and their families and as you probably would agree, it is much more for students with IEPs.
But with your presence, support and care, most of our fears are turned into hope and optimism as well as excitement. We are happy to take a bigger role in our son’s learning journey.
Again, from the bottom of our hearts – Thank you!
Reyes Family

Lindsay Klymko
For helping Maggie become a stronger writer and lover of reading!
The Dolan Family

Ms. Lauren Hoffmann
We are thankful to Ms. Hoffman for the way she cares about her students, and inspires them to do their best.
The Cicchino Family

Mr. K
Thank you, Mr. K for a FUN year in 4th grade math. You made a sometimes difficult subject a blast for Mark, always went above and beyond and you are a great role model for the boys. As parents of 3 boys who all had you for their 4th grade teacher at Brooklake, we will hold on to the fond and fun memories of 4th grade forever!
Laura Perillo

Mrs. Regan
Mrs. Regan and Ms. Zurbach went above and beyond this year for their students. When you visit their classroom, the walls are covered with “norms” and “affirmations” which encourage empathy and respect. I loved their whole vibe. When they came to visit Cate in the last day of school, I saw a glimmer in my daughter’s eyes that I had not seen since distance learning began. Thank you for always encouraging Cate’s passions. Have the best summer!!!
Love, The Elefante Family

Jill Alcuri
For doing an amazing job during Spring 2020 (and a great teacher for both our daughters!)
The Dolan Family

Jennifer Fellippello
The love you have for your job comes through in everything you do! Thank you for making second grade the best it could be.
The Laudicina Family

Jaclyn Davis
Thank you for all you do. Especially during this unfamiliar time, you reach out and connect every day. You find ways to continue engagement and learning. Your compassion and caring ways never go unnoticed. We appreciate you.
The Kaup Family

To all of the
Florham Park Staff
As members of the Florham Park Education Grants Committee and as fellow teachers, we recognize the tremendous impact teachers have on the lives of our students. It is with our deepest gratitude, especially during these trying times, that we would like to honor all of the teachers, support staff, and administrators from Briarwood, Brooklake, and Ridgedale Middle Schools. As mothers to both sixth and second graders, we have witnessed the love, dedication, and impact you have made throughout each school building. Thank you.
With our gratitude,
Mary Beth Gabel and
Megan Holzer

Mrs Bregman
Thank you for your guidance during this time, and finding discussions to have with the kids to help keep them connected.
The Szonyi Family

Brenda Cochario
For advancing Maggie’s Spanish in one year more than we could have hoped!
The Dolan Family

Mrs. Alcuri
Mrs. Alcuri, thank you very much for the quick turnaround to inquiries from the students and parents and for always providing a solution. Your dedication minimized anxiety during these unprecedented times.
The Rodriguez Family

Mr. Letchinger
Distance learning is new to both school and family. Thank you very much for your great preparation for the lessons and classes. Also thank you for your kindness on the understanding and support when problem occurs. It is really a pity to end Grade 5 like this . Robert will miss both of you!
Robert Lai’s Family

Ms. Regan
Ms. Regan and Ms. Zurbach have both shown a great deal of support and dedication to Kaeden during this time. We have appreciated their empathy, compassion, and capacity to extend themselves during this difficult moment. All the hard work that goes into the preparing for the virtual school-week has not gone unnoticed.
Thank you,
Keith Price and Awo Okaikor Aryee-Price

Mrs. Erickson
Thank you for everything you have done for Joe during his time at Brooklake. You have gone above and beyond to help him be the best version of himself. We will miss you.
The Takla Family

Denise Newman
Your dedication to preparing young students for the expectations of school is evident in all you do. I know my son will reap the rewards of your classroom lessons for years to come.
Alisa Laudicina

Mrs. Lisa Bregman
I hope you know what a wonderful teacher you are. We sure do, and we appreciate you more than words can say. Thank you for encouraging Tramaine to always do his best! Thank you for your patience and encouragement!
Please keep being yourself and doing what you do! You are amazing!
Tasha L. Bias and Fred Cooper

Ms. Zurbach
Mrs. Regan and Ms. Zurbach went above and beyond this year for their students. When you visit their classroom, the walls are covered with “norms” and “affirmations” which encourage empathy and respect. I loved their whole vibe. When they came to visit Cate in the last day of school, I saw a glimmer in my daughter’s eyes that I had not seen since distance learning began. Thank you for always encouraging Cate’s passions. Have the best summer!!!
Love, The Elefante Family

Jeremy Serfozo
For all he has done for both Dolan girls and the Florham Park music program!
The Dolan Family

Linda Eveland
For introducing Maggie to lots of new math concepts and helping her thrive!
The Dolan Family

Mrs. Micone
Thank you for a wonderful 4th grade experience for Mark! We saw tremendous progress in his reading this year thanks to your hard work, abundance of patience and your never-ending dedication. Thank you for all of your continued efforts during distant learning and for going above and beyond the entire year for all of your students. We love you!
The Perillo Family

Karen Stein
Thank you for always being there when help is needed. You make sure your students understand the material and keep them laughing in the process.
The Takla Family

Mrs. Stumpf
Thank you for all of your wonderful work for 2S. Erin will always remember your reminders to be kind to others, and how you instilled in her a love of reading. She continued your community-building activity of Fuzzy Friend Friday even through distance learning read alouds. Thank you for your patience, caring, and encouragement.
The Gabel Family

Jennifer Gilligan
For being a great roll model for our daughters and for the warm greetings at morning drop off (when we used to do that!)
The Dolan Family

Mrs. Marissa Perlee
The loving ways of teachers like you are the difference between teaching and educating. Thanks for teaching Tramaine, educating him and empowering him to always give his best. Classrooms can survive without iPads and computers, but never without inspirational teachers. Thank you for being the irreplaceable teacher that you are. You are amazing!
Tasha L. Bias and Fred Cooper

Mrs. Ocejo
Mrs. Ocejo is patient, approachable, and responsive. We have been grateful for the one-on-one calls she has with Corina to review lessons, and as parents we love the smile on Corina’s face when she sees her teacher on the Zoom call. Thank you, Mrs. Ocejo!
Alexis and Scott Seubert

Ms. Zurbach
Ms. Regan and Ms. Zurbach have both shown a great deal of support and dedication to Kaeden during this time. We have appreciated their empathy, compassion, and capacity to extend themselves during this difficult moment. All the hard work that goes into the preparing for the virtual school-week has not gone unnoticed.
Thank you,
Keith Price and Awo Okaikor Aryee-Price